European Financial Management Association
2006 Annual Meetings
June 28-July 1, 2006
Madrid, Spain

Electronic Submissions - CLOSED

Only electronic submissions will be considered.

Submit three files in PDF format: (1) Complete paper, (2) Paper without the name/s of author/s’, and (3) the Abstract (i.e., the first page of your paper). When submitting your paper please provide the following information: The title, name(s) of the author(s), complete address(s), telephone and fax numbers, EFM classification codes (available on our website) and e-mail addresses for each author. Please indicate which author(s) will attend and which author will present the paper. Please also denote your research areas (using EFM classification codes) that you would like to serve as a session chair and/or discussant. If your paper is accepted, you are expected to act as chair/or discussant in your field of research.

DEADLINE: The deadline for papers and proposals is January 15, 2006. Authors will be notified by March 4, 2006.

Please submit your paper electronically to the European Financial Management Association Conference : CLOSED

Jose Marti Pellon
Dpto. de Economia y Administracion Financiera de la Empresa
Universidad Complutense De Madrid Campus de Somosaguas
Pabellon Central
28223- Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid, Spain